Thursday, September 07, 2006

Thai Floods

Okay so I officially experienced the "rainy season" last night. My friends and I went out dancing last night and I took a taxi home after it was thunder and lightening downtown. As we approached the main road for our village (called a moo baan), the water was soooo deep that it was reaching the doors of the taxi. I was really worried that this non-English speaking taxi driver would just kick me out and make me walk the flooded mile home. I had never seen anything like it. Standing water all through the roads. The cars crept along like it was snowing. Finally I got home, but the flooding, rain and thunder continued through the night. And I am very saddened becausue I did not get to take any pictures of it. But then this morning, all the roads were clear. LIke there was absolutely NO reason whatsoever to just continue on....

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