Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11 I remember

I remember 9/11. It seems as though it was just yesterday. I was a bright eyed and bushy tailed teacher, still very wet behind the ears. It was my first day at Bryn Mawr, my second job, as my first teaching job had lasted only 4 days and was told I was needed at a different school. I remember getting up and turning on the TV to see the plane crashing into the first twin tower.

It felt surreal.

Time slowed down as I realized that I was not watching the Terminator or some Holleywood stunt. Then the next thing I thought of was my brother. As a Marine, he would be needed.

At that time, we didn't know much, but I just had a knot in my stomach as I knew the unexpected would change things. I feel at times, very selfish because I am happy he is home now. Safe.

I wish that all Army, Airforce, Navy and Marine families could feel the same.

A lot has changed since that day.

And a lot has not so much.

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