Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Big Miracles come in small packages

So yesterday was the worst day of my life and I was just a bystander......My friend Pascale was admitted to the hospital on Sunday morning after her routine pre natal exam showed she had high blood pressure. The next day they said that the baby might not make it if the baby remained inside Pascale so the doctors ordered an emergancy c-section for that afternoon. Pascale was only 31 weeks along, so needless to say, I was not very focused on my first graders nor on anything else during the day for that matter. I was waiting to hear if everything was okay, praying hard all day long. Finally, Kevin called me and said that they were doing as fine as could be....they had a baby girl, Kathryn Noelle....born only 970 grams which is just under 2 pounds. I still am not sure how long she is, first Kevin told me 8 inches, then it was about 11....so I'm not sure, but that's still so small. Kevin and Pascale are two of the most amazing people I have met here and I am so amazed at how they are doing in all of this. I am so thankful for such wonderful hospitals and facitilities in Bangkok, it is seriously like the Hilton Hospital where Pascale is recovering. Hopefully I will get to see the little one today. I'm bagging the Trick or Treating because I want to see this little one so desperately and help Pascale in any way I can.

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