Friday, October 06, 2006

Cockroaches and Hair Clips

This morning I tumbled out of bed, groggy and fumbling around in the dark. I am blind as a bat in the morning until I put my contacts in, and as I plopped my feet on the ground, I felt something cool and smooth and round scurry under my foot. I jumped back up on my bed, and tried to peer down to see what I might have felt. Fearing the worst, I thought it was a cockroach! I started laughing at myself because I leaped off the bed and ran into the other room to get my contacts. After coming back in the room, turning the lights on and peering down by the side of the bed, I realize the cool and smooth and round thing that gave me a start was only a hair clip. I breathed a huge sigh of relief and started getting ready for work.

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