Tuesday, August 21, 2007

it's raining...it's pouring....

well.....I guess the rainy season is here. even if it is sunshiny today outside, my house has felt the wrath of a humongous rainstorm from last night.

i know where all the rain went that was flooding the streets. it seeped into my house, buckled the paint on my second floor, and made my kitchen a small swimming pool.

okay, i might be exaggerating....just a little. But I did walk into my kitchen only to find that my floor had about a 1/2 an inch of standing water on the tiles. My cats thought it was great, a giant water hole! I, on the other hand....have NO idea how that water got there, nor how to get it out....it's not like i can borrow my dad's shop vac and vacuum out this water. And what's worse is, it was only the FIRST flood. What's gonna happen the next time???

And then I went upstairs, and thought that my cats had found some white napkins and shredded them up. Upon further examination, I realized that the ceiling has water damage, and the paint is coming off in giant chunks, hence the white shredded look. deep breath.

Well, I guess I'm gonna have to get my crazy land lady over here so she can hire some one to come and fix it. ei yai yai.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about the water coming through the ceiling. I know all about that...

The shop vac is available, but better see what the land lady will do. Hope the water can get taken care of. Maybe a thirsty Daisy or a carton of Brawny towels.

Keep writing. We love the blog, and always enjoy the Skype. Especially now with the iSight cam on your computer.

Katie said...

The landlady is coming on Wednesday, well, probably her hired help....so hopefully things will be taken care of then.

Oh, I know...isn't SKYPE with a cam wonderful!?!?!? LOVE YOU!