Monday, November 06, 2006

Krabi Adventures Part Song (2)

So on Tuesday, Pascale and I took the kids snorkeling. It was such a wonderful day, and we took a very fun and fast speed boat out on the water, after picking up about 40 people from around the island. We snorkeled two different places before lunch, then stopped at Ko BoBo for lunch. Ko BoBo is a deserted island and it was something we would have seen in Survivior! I can not get over how white the sand was and how crystal clear that water was. Absolutely AMAZING!!!!! Our friends Bobbi and Andrew happened to be on the same boat as us, so it was fun to hang out and snorkel around with them. Etienne and Natalie were pretty adventurous at first, but Natalie got scared whenever Pascale would go down to look around in the water, so we tried to trade off a little bit. I saw so many amazing fish, some clown fish, like Nemo, tons of angel fish....some little black fish with neon was very exciting. I took an underwater camera, so hopefully I will be able to get those developed soon. After lunch we snorkeled one more place and then went home. It started to rain a little bit as we were going home, but that didn't really matter because we were already wet! Oh, and on the way out on the boat, I am pretty sure that I saw some dolphins....their fins were arching in the water, but I wasn't quick enough to take any pictures....I have never seen a dolphin before....hopefully someday I'll see one close up!

The next day, Wednesday, we hung around the resort, and played in the beach, and then the pool and and then the beach....ahhhh such is life!

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