Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Flooding in the KORN!!!!

Well, every day my friend Kelli states that the rainy season is over. And every day the rains keep on comin'. Yesterday after school was the worst flooding I've seen it so far, and the rainy season was officially over on Saturday. We were soaked just trying to hail a taxi from our school's main street. We had to try three different taxis before one would even attempt to head in our Moo Baan (village, like a suburb) called Summakorn because it was rumored that flooding was very bad there, and taxi drivers do not like driving in the rain here. It would be equivilant to driving in 3 feet of snow in Seattle. Some people try to avoid it and others seek it out. When we finally got to the Korn, our nickname for the village, sure enough it was flooded! We thought for a minute that we would just hang out in the bar until the rain stopped, but we really had no idea how long that would be, and so we decided to brave the waters and try to find a way home. The taxi stopped to let us out and it was all the way up the door! We jumped out into the flooding waters, and in some parts, it was up to my calfs. I was rapidly praying that this would NOT be the time to see a new critter or two floating along in the water and hurriedly jumped up onto the side walk with my dear friend Kelli....same friend who has been saying the rainy season is over for the past two months. We were able to jump onto a Songtao, which is a covered truck/bus type thing. The songtao driver agreed to take us home, so I was able to see out the back into our flooded village. It was very interesting, the flooding in places. Here are some pictures of that night, and the morning after as I rode my bike in the early morning darkness to pick up a taxi on the main road.

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