Friday, July 21, 2006

Beautiful and Exotic Bangkok

Well....I finally made it!!!! The flight from Tokyo to Bangkok was pretty uneventful...the plane was not full at all and I was sitting in the window seat on the side with no one next to me...YES!!! But I wanted to lay down all the way, perhaps I was a bit greedy too....there was a greedy seat man who would not share the 4 seats in the middle....makes me chuckle thinking about him. When he saw me look his way, eyeing the seats next to him, he proceeded to sprawl all the way out, marking his territory. I ponder human nature's need to put one's need before anothers. But in that statement, was I not about to do the same thing?

There were thunderstorms across Asia the night I flew into Bangkok. I tried so hard to take world class photos of this amazing sight, but I really didn't do it justice. They lit up the whole sky in a brilliant purple hue. It was really amazingly breathtaking. God's creation will never cease to amaze me.

I got into Bangkok at around 11:30pm and then the school arranged a driver to come and pick me up. I was so excited to finally get to bed. The hotel I am staying at is decently nice, it is right across the street from a huge shopping mall. My school was very thoughtful, they had chocolates and tourguide information waiting for me in my hotel room. I felt very welcomed.

Yesterday I went to the school to check it out and get my stuff unloaded into my classroom. A very nice intern from the school picked me up and drove me there. Along the way I took pictures, as it was my first real time to see the sights of Bangkok. These photos are from just the drive to the school. Thailand is such a mixture of fancy and poor, elaborate and simple. I am looking forward to delving into this culture.

My classroom is beautiful. It has windows on two sides, is next to the office and the cantina (cafeteria), and is HUGE!!! I had left my camera in the car so I have not photographed it yet. But I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!! It's even bigger than my classroom in Seattle, and I thought that was pretty adequate. And I just about fell over when I saw the teacher supply room. It's an actual ROOM....not a closet that was cleaned up and turned into supplies. And they don't just have construction paper and crayons. All kinds of colored tag board, markers, gitter glue, pens, ohhhhh I am in HEAVEN!!!!!

1 comment:

Ryan Henderson said...

katie, i am so excited for you, and a mite jealous! enjoy bangkok for me. i will still try to connect you with my friend jiw onnom who lives there. she would be a great friend to have.
peace from seattle, mr. h